It’s time to catch up on the latest digital news and happenings with another Digital Download. Every month the Lessing-Flynn digital team meets to decide which current events our friends and clients need to know about — check out which stories made the cut…


Tell us how you really feel on LinkedIn

Be on the lookout for the newest update on LinkedIn. Users are now able to choose their reaction to a post, similar to Facebook. While LinkedIn previously restricted users to only “liking” a post, they will now be given five different options to further express their feelings towards a post. The newest reactions were created in response to the types of posts users were adding. With the addition of this feature, LinkedIn hopes to keep current users more engaged and bring new users into this top performing recruiting tool.

>> Discover LinkedIn’s newest reactions


Accenture takes a new turn

At the beginning of April, Accenture Interactive, a large consulting firm, announced they would be purchasing an ambitious ad agency, Droga5. For those that are unfamiliar with Droga5, just think big advertising campaigns. They have conquered campaigns for Under Armour, New Castle Brown Ale and most recently produced a standout commercial for the Super Bowl that included Bud Light and Game of Thrones. Ring any bells? This purchase is taking place in the hopes of creating a more customer focused experience. But now, concerns are rising on what will happen to the unique culture of Droga5.

>> Uncover more on this company merger


Think twice before trusting Amazon reviews

Are you an avid Amazon user? If you answered yes, consider the amount of times you have relied on product reviews before making a purchase. Have those reviews heavily impacted your likeliness of buying the product? While price is oftentimes the first determining factor of an Amazon purchase, reviews are seen to be just as important for some. According to recent third party analyses, this big time internet hub is polluted with fake reviews. But, with no liability for fake reviews, they have less incentive to crack down on this situation.

>> Find out the efforts Amazon is taking with their fake reviews.


Walmart accepts the challenge

Grocery shopping may not be the most glamorous task on a weekly to-do list. Walmart, however, is determined to change that. You will soon have the chance to start your grocery trip by simply sitting on your couch and stating, “OK Google.” Walmart’s recent partnership with Amazon intends to create a voice-based grocery shopping experience using Google Assistant-powered platforms.

>> Learn more about Walmart’s newest curbside pick-up.


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